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Nachrichten zur Info: ORF2/TV6/NordWest 5

Dieses Thema im Forum "Small Talk" wurde erstellt von Kurzfristig2004, 26. Juli 2004.

  1. Kurzfristig2004

    Kurzfristig2004 Neuling

    Registriert seit:
    8. April 2004
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]ORF 2 goes free-to-air
    Austrian public radio and television broadcaster (ORF) has launched the free-to-air version of its domestic television channel for DTH viewers throughout Europe. Since July 5, ORF 2 Europe, as the service is called, has been available within ORF’s digital package on Astra (19.2° East). The service screens ORF 2’s regular output daily between 16.00 and 0.30 CET with teletext pages shown at all other times. As ORF is not able to clear pan-European rights for the full range of programmes that form part of ORF 2’s schedule during the free-to-air period, some elements are not available on the European version of the channel. These are replaced by programme trailers. The expenses for ORF 2 Europe are partially covered by the public TV licence fee. Although ORF declines to reveal the figures, it is thought that the costs involved in the venture will amount to around €1 million this year (Jörn Krieger).
    [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Austria’s TV6 must encrypt
    Austrian ‘adult’ channel TV6 will not be able to continue screening its controversial hardcore porn programmes free-to-air to DTH households throughout Europe. The local government has now passed a revision of the domestic media law that closes the loophole used by the broadcaster to screen pornography each night between 23.00 and 06.00 CET unencrypted. The only precondition has been to either warn viewers by an announcement which was read out before the programmes started or by an on-screen message shown during the entire broadcast. TV6 has been carrying nightly live footage of on-stage sex from a night club in the Austrian town of Linz while the daytime hours are filled with phone-in quiz shows and erotic video-clips. According to the revised media law, TV channels “mainly devoted to the screening of sexual acts must encrypt their signal”. The change, which comes into force on October 1, means that TV6 will either have to adopt an encryption system or remove the porn scenes from its schedule.
    [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]New regional channel in Basel
    The Swiss Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications has awarded a new regional licence to NordWest Medien for a new channel serving the Basel region. NordWest 5 will be the second channel for Basel after TeleBasel. In an attempt to avoid head to head competition the regulator has imposed licensing conditions that include the requirement to focus on consumers outside of the City of Basel. Advertising revenue will be supplemented by carriage fees of over SFr1 million from the local cable operator.
  2. wilmington

    wilmington Platin Member

    Registriert seit:
    4. Januar 2004
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    AW: Nachrichten zur Info: ORF2/TV6/NordWest 5

    Bestimmte Leute lernen es nie, die Formatierung zu löschen und Quellen zu nennen.:rolleyes:
  3. andimik

    andimik Board Ikone

    Registriert seit:
    28. Januar 2003
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    AW: Nachrichten zur Info: ORF2/TV6/NordWest 5


    Bestimmte Leute denken, die ganze Welt surft nur mit IE. Dieses Forum unterstützt nicht alle Browser.

    Die Quelle würde mich auch interessieren. Ist doch schon ein alter Hut.
  4. BigPapa

    BigPapa Talk-König

    Registriert seit:
    3. Februar 2001
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Technisches Equipment:
    FireTV Stick 4K
    MagentaTV Stick
    AppleTV 4K 2021
    AW: Nachrichten zur Info: ORF2/TV6/NordWest 5

    andimik ohne eine IE Diskussion zu führen.... Auch mit dem IE funzt die Formatierung oben nicht (zumindest bei mir).
  5. MisterH

    MisterH Neuling

    Registriert seit:
    31. März 2004
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    AW: Nachrichten zur Info: ORF2/TV6/NordWest 5

    Ich nutze auch IE und die Formatierung funzt so gut wie nie
  6. andimik

    andimik Board Ikone

    Registriert seit:
    28. Januar 2003
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    AW: Nachrichten zur Info: ORF2/TV6/NordWest 5

    Ich meine damit nicht, dass man den IE zum Anschauen dieses Postings braucht. Der Ersteller hat es anscheinend mit einem anderen Browser geschrieben.