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"Frauen im Ausland motzen nicht so viel wie deutsche Frauen"

Dieses Thema im Forum "Small Talk" wurde erstellt von moonwalker5, 30. Juni 2012.

  1. suniboy

    suniboy Talk-König

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    AW: "Frauen im Ausland motzen nicht so viel wie deutsche Frauen"

    Alles klar. ;)
  2. Gast 140698

    Gast 140698 Guest

    AW: "Frauen im Ausland motzen nicht so viel wie deutsche Frauen"


    Hier hat sich gestern die Produktionsfirma gemeldet, die Männer gesucht haben, die bei der nächsten Staffel mitmachen wollen ... :D
  3. Joneseygirl

    Joneseygirl Junior Member

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    AW: "Frauen im Ausland motzen nicht so viel wie deutsche Frauen"

    Sorry, I stumbled on this thread just a few months too late, because I was busy "anmotzing" my husband. You are absolutely right: us German women are nothing but ugly "nags". We torture our husband by becoming a continuous intellectual challenge to them. Our cooking skills are abysmal and we don't even have the physical advantages of our Thai / Russian sisters. Please accept our apologies. One thing in our favour though: we nag efficiently. On Monday mornings at 08.30 am, all of get together online to prepare a "Motzing Project Plan", detailing milestones, targets and completions dates. Results are tracked and monitored and measures for improvement implemented the following week.
    In your search for the perfect woman (or would the term "doormat" be more appropriate?), I would suggest though that you actually emigrate abroad. That way we finally have more room in Germany to order our own husbands from abroad. Foreign men are known to have a higher level of tolerance for the intelligent XX chromosome, they don't automatically suffer from alopecia areata and they are multilingual :).
    Gotta go... the week's not over yet, plenty of Motzing to be done.
    Love and kisses to all of you, now pack your suitcases and off you go.