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Die Rückkehr des Königs

Dieses Thema im Forum "Film-, Serien- und Fernseh-Tipps" wurde erstellt von octavius, 19. November 2006.

  1. octavius

    octavius Board Ikone

    Registriert seit:
    10. Januar 2004
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Hallo Leute,

    ist eigentlich "Die Rückkehr des Königs" schon irgendwo im Free-TV gelaufen?

    Für diejenigen unter Euch, die den Satelliten Astra 2B empfangen können und dazu noch eine Freeview-Karte für das englische Fernsehen haben, gibt es diesen "Meilenstein der Filmgeschichte" heute abend im Fernsehen:



    The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King
    "The final part of Peter Jackson's fantasy trilogy climaxes with a colossal bodycount and acts of courage in the face of insurmountable odds

    There are moments, early on, when you worry if it is going to turn out alright. Can he pull it off? Is there really a happy ending to this epic, the adventures of one director and his collaborators to craft a trilogy that will not only dominate the box office of the early 21st century, not only raise the bar for blockbuster films, but in the end - for all its battles, creatures and plucky little hobbits - actually mean something?

    ... Do not think for one minute that Return Of The King fails to meet the considerable expectations that have grown up on the back of previous instalments. You could open an entire can of hyperbole over this film, and still run short of adjectives to praise its majesty. Still, let's try. No doubt there will be a few minor spoilers along the way. ...

    It takes a while for the dust to settle from the Two Towers. Once it gets going, Return Of The King powers on to its numerous epilogues intercutting awesome spectacle with moving moments.

    Frequenz 12168 V, 27500, 2/3

    Heute, Sunday, November 19, 2006 um 21:00 Uhr unserer Zeit.
