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ARD sieht für Digitalradio DAB "tiefe Ratlosigkeit"

Dieses Thema im Forum "DF-Newsfeed" wurde erstellt von DF-Newsteam, 4. September 2009.

  1. Company

    Company Gold Member

    Registriert seit:
    8. Mai 2003
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    AW: ARD sieht für Digitalradio DAB "tiefe Ratlosigkeit"

    Den "Artefaktemüll" gibt es bei DAB auch, und teilweise sogar noch schlimmer als im Netz.
  2. reslfj

    reslfj Senior Member

    Registriert seit:
    29. Juni 2007
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    AW: ARD sieht für Digitalradio DAB "tiefe Ratlosigkeit"

    DVB-T is not robust enough for mobile radios and even less so for auto-radios. DVB-T is an ageing and dying technology. It was a mistake to use it back in 2002/2004 as the basis for DVB-H - it would be a disaster to resurrect it now for radio.

    But existing DVB-T networks can be useful to broadcast radio channels to TV sets or even to large static HiFi systems.

    DVB-T2 will be a much stronger alternative, as it can reuse the 1.7 MHz DAB channels almost without change to the present transmitters.
    DVB-T2 can deliver 2-3 times the bit-rate of DAB+ with the same robustness or maybe 5-9 dB better robustness, at the DAB+ bit-rate.

    DVB-T2 is "another world" compared to DAB/DAB+

    It will however need some add-on to facilitate controlling and selecting the radio program without a large TV screen and a remote control. There is also a need to agree on the exact subset of DVB-T2 parameters that radio-chips must implement. The DVB-T2 standard has modes that will never be used for radio. HD video needs much higher processing power than a DVB-T2 Audio mux will and less powerful, less expensive and chips that eats less batteries can be build.

    For auto-radios it may be much better to make two antenna 'diversity receivers' mandatory in ordert to improve robustness even more.

    Lars :)