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Dieses Thema im Forum "Digital Radio / DAB+" wurde erstellt von octavius, 31. Dezember 2008.

  1. octavius

    octavius Board Ikone

    Registriert seit:
    10. Januar 2004
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    Liebe Community!

    Ich wünsche allen einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!

    Ha, ich hab was interessantes gefunden:

    "Satellite Radio Still Reaches for the Payday"

    Did you hear what Howard Stern said the other day? Neither did we. But we read about it on a blog.

    Mr. Stern, the ribald radio jock who once commanded attention with each off-color utterance and obscene joke ....

    Back in the day when Mr. Stern was on free radio and had an audience of 12 million...

    [muss man sich mal vorstellen: dieser Kerl hatte jeden Tag zwölf Millionen Hörer ... [​IMG] ]


    ... weiter im Text:

    But by switching to satellite radio three years ago, Mr. Stern swapped cultural cachet for big money.

    [Aha! Gute Idee: "Swap for big money" - viel Geld verdienen.

    Würde ich das auch machen? Ich glaube ja. [​IMG]

    Nur dass ich keine zwölf Millionen Zuhörer habe, sondern vielleicht zwölf Leser in diesem Forum. [​IMG] ]

    Then — poof! — Mr. Stern all but disappeared. ...

    “On radio, Howard to me was a populist. The truck driver, the average guy would listen in the cafe, the truck, the old car that’s 50 years old and still has an AM radio,” said Mr. Leno in the interview. “But I don’t hear him quoted anymore. People don’t say: ‘Hey, did you hear what Howard said today?’ ”

    Yet Mr. Stern’s retirement chatter did get one group talking: investors fretting over the fate of Sirius XM Radio, the satellite radio company that has been Mr. Stern’s home for the past three years.

    Today, five months after regulators approved a merger of Sirius and XM, satellite radio’s pioneers and former rivals, in a deal that was supposed to deliver their industry to the promised land of profits and permanence, the company faces an uncertain future.

    Although Mr. Stern brought listeners and prominence to Sirius, the move had a steep cost. His blockbuster, $500 million, five-year deal fueled a high-stakes competition between the two services that contributed to Sirius XM’s current bind.

    [Hab ich das richtig verstanden? $500 million in fünf Jahren? Für ihn? Äh? Verdient der Mann hundert Millionen im Jahr? ]


    ... weiter im Text:

    Unlike free radio, which depends on advertising, satellite radio offers nearly commercial-free music and talk for a subscription fee. It’s akin to the difference between broadcast TV and premium cable, between NBC and HBO.

    Even though Sirius XM is one of the very few media companies whose revenue and number of subscribers are growing these days, a dime and a nickel will get you a share of the company’s stock (with some change left over).

    Its balance sheet is larded with nearly $1 billion of debt that matures in 2009 and must be *********d — but try finding a sympathetic banker in our current hard-luck environment. Sirius XM has nearly 20 million paying customers, many of them evangelists for the service, but what does that matter if you can’t pay your debts?

    [Das lassen wir uns mal auf der Zunge zergehen:

    Sirius XM has nearly 20 million paying customers

    Hallo Herr Börnicke! Was sagen Sie denn dazu? Ach, richtig, Sie sind ja jetzt im Vorruhestand. [​IMG] ]

    The company has never turned a profit and cannot predict when it ever will. Cap that with the struggles of Detroit — the bulk of new satellite radio subscribers come from partnerships with automakers — and you have a set of obstacles that Sirius XM has to ******** at the very moment the recession seems to be deepening.

    The satellite radio industry is relatively young — when Mr. Stern announced that he was joining Sirius in 2004, the company had less than a million subscribers. But it is facing a media environment that is shifting toward cheaply distributed content over the Internet.

    It’s also a conundrum that all traditional media face: Who needs satellites — or, for that matter, printing presses and delivery trucks — when the world is wired for broadband and Wi-Fi?

    So, jetzt hab ich genug gequotet - hier gibt's natürlich noch die Quellenangabe:


    Und ganz wichtig:

    A version of this article appeared in print on December 28, 2008, on page BU1 of the New York edition.

    Hier noch die Werbung: Free trial. Read the complete New York edition of The Times on computer, just as it appears in print.

    Link: http://www.nytimes.com/adx/bin/adx_...e.com?MediaCode=Internal&CampaignName=nytimes

    ... Falls Ihr schon immer wissen wolltet, was ich so im Zug nach Paris lese ... [​IMG]
    Der Artikel ist übrigens noch wesentlich länger - es gibt noch eine zweite und eine dritte Seite.


    Zitat: Consider this: five years ago, Sirius, with 300,000 subscribers and no hint that Mr. Stern would be gracing its channel lineup, borrowed money at 2.5 percent interest. Those days are long gone.

    Kommentar: Auch nicht schlecht: Von 300,000 auf 20,000,000 Abonennten - ein gewaltiger Sprung nach oben!


    "There’s no question, this company needs to make money,” he tells shareholders. “This company has a lot going for it, but it has never made a dime."

    Ah! Da fällt mir doch Premiere ein! Wie geht's denen eigentlich? [​IMG]

    Mr. Karmazin is one of the few executives who can say his business really is rocket science. Next year Sirius XM will send another satellite into orbit, at a cost of $250 million to $300 million. ...

    Dave Zatz, who lives in Rockville, Md., and writes a blog about digital media, was an XM subscriber but dropped the service after his favorite channel, Chrome — “which is sort of a disco station,”he says — was dropped. Now, he says, he streams Pandora, a popular Internet radio service, through his iPhone while driving.

    [Das Problem haben die Pay-TV Anbieter in unserer Region auch. Es gibt viele Free-TV Anbieter, insbesondere wenn man den schönen Spot Beam von Astra 2D empfangen kann. Im Radiobereich ist es ja noch besser: Sogar die Schweiz und Österreich senden unverschlüsselt mit grossflächigen Beams. Die meisten englischen Radioprogramme - von BBC Radio 1 über Capital Radia bis hin zu Virgin bzw. Absolute Radio gibt's ebenfalls überall - nur die Irländer, Heart, Galaxy, Real Radio und The Arrow sitzen auf dem Spot Beam. Wer will, kriegt sogar France Bleu IdF über Satellit - das gibt's alles kostenlos. [​IMG]

    Technisat hat schon die Konsequenzen gezogen. [​IMG]

    Viel Spass beim Lesen des gesamten Artikels!

    ... die Diskussion ist eröffnet!
  2. Nelli22.08

    Nelli22.08 Lexikon

    Registriert seit:
    20. November 2005
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    125 cm Gilbertini Stab HH120
    AW: Satellitenradio

    Und wo gibt's den dazugehörigen Englisch Kurs.
    Ohne Englischkenntnisse ist der Spaß etwas getrübt.:(
  3. baldeagle

    baldeagle Junior Member

    Registriert seit:
    11. Mai 2008
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    AW: Satellitenradio

    You got a point there, but never forget that on this side of the Big Pond overregulation rules!
  4. Gast 32507

    Gast 32507 Guest

    AW: Satellitenradio

    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 31. März 2009