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MEDION MD 30465 42" LED-Backlight TV LIFE® X17006

Dieses Thema im Forum "Plasma, LCD, OLED & Projektor" wurde erstellt von bodensee75, 5. Mai 2011.

  1. TommyData

    TommyData Junior Member

    Registriert seit:
    4. Juni 2016
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    So kurze Rückmeldung...
    Der ProfileComposer hat leider nix gebracht.

    Hab jetzt einen zweiten baugleichen TV bestellt, Firmware ausgelesen und zurückgeschickt.
    Ausgelesene Firmware auf den anderen TV geflashed - läuft wieder :)

    Schön bei den MB97 Boards ist, dass nur der kernel und die trusted-execution-engine signed sind.
    Die /root, /vendor und /config Filesysteme sind ubi images und nicht signed - lassen sich also recht
    problemlos unter Linux auf dem PC mounten und bearbeiten.
    Telnet läuft also nun logischerweise...

    Lässt sich der TV eigentlich über Telnet steuern? Also steuern im Sinne von Umschalten, laut/leise und so weiter?
  2. Jensy

    Jensy Junior Member

    Registriert seit:
    17. Oktober 2015
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Der TV lässt sich nicht über Telnet steuern. (mb70) Bei mir läuft da ein Programm app.elf (elf Format) deswegen Kann ich auch nicht das Design ändern.

    Schau dir doch mal die Processe an die bei deinem Laufen. Und Poste mal die ausgabe.

    Wäre nett wenn du dein Firmware dump mal zur fefügung stellen würdest würde gerne mal reinschauen und vergleichen.

    Falls du einen FTP server laufen lassen willst könnte ich den gerne Posten.

    Gruß Jens
  3. TommyData

    TommyData Junior Member

    Registriert seit:
    4. Juni 2016
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Ok hab mir die laufende APP mal im IDA Disassembler angeschaut - sehr interessant...

    Auf Port 1986 läuft ein Server über den sich der TV steuern lässt, Profile in decodierter Form ausdrucken
    lassen und noch paar andere nette Kleinigkeiten wie LEDs an und ausschalten.

    Wenn es jemand ausprobieren will:
    - mit putty per telnet/raw/port 1986 zum TV verbinden und die Befehle eingeben
    - die Ausgabe/Antwort vom TV kommt auf der seriellen Konsole (Scart Adapter)
    oder wird - falls UsbNet aktiviert ist - in ein Logfile auf USB-Stick geschrieben
    (natürlich nur wenn auch einer angesteckt ist)
    - help bringt die Liste der verfügbaren Commands

    Viel Spass beim spielen :)

    start_test_mode - Vestel low level: Start test mode for wxga panel - None
    list_all_thread - Vestel low level: Lists all thread - None
    config_update - Vestel low level: update config files - None
    satclock - Vestel low level: Sets satellite ts clock - str-int
    smoothStream - Vestel low level: Tests sspk stack by using manifest url ex: smoothStream <manifest url> - str-int
    ms_smooth_streaming_print_langs - Test function to get available languages in a video that is microsoft smoothstreaming - None
    ms_smooth_streaming_set_lang - Test function to get available languages in a video that is microsoft smoothstreaming - int
    playreadyFile - Vestel low level: Test playready decryption from file: playreadyFile - None
    spi_lock - Vestel low level: Locks the Spi flash for protection ex: spi_lock - None
    spi_unlock - Vestel low level: Checks the Spi flash for protection ex: spi_unlock - None
    mfc_spi_lock - Vestel low level: Enable/Disable SW-Protection mode of MFC SPI FLASH for protection ex: mfc_spi_lock 1 - int
    check_esn - Vestel low level: Checks the Idfile content in Spi flash ex: check_esn - None
    reencrypt_playready_model_credentials - Vestel low level: Reencrypt Playready model credential in TEE with efuse key - None
    check_hdcp20 - Vestel low level: Checks if hdcp 2.0 key is written on SPI flash or not ex: check_hdcp20 - None
    unplug - Vestel low level: Simulates unplug of possible pluggable devices. Possible parameters : usb1 usb2 wifiDongle ethernetCable Example: unplug usb1 - str-int
    plug - Vestel low level: Simulates plug of possible pluggable devices. Possible parameters : usb1 usb2 wifiDongle ethernetCable Example: plug usb1 - str-int
    print_removable_device_list - Vestel low level: Prints list of removable devices found... - None
    get_customer_content_name - get the name of customer demo contents - None
    get_customer_content_count - get the number of customer demo contents - None
    set_ice_debug_flag - Vestel low level: sets mstars debug flags g_ice_debug or g_ice_debug1 - str-int
    enhancedcolor - Vestel low level: Sets Enhanced Color for selected HDMI ex: enhancedcolor 4 1 - str-int
    ms_smooth_streaming_resolution - Vestel low level: Gets the resolution info of playing Microsoft Smooth Streaming video - None
    debug_message_ONOFF - closes the output messages comes from TV - None
    check_usb_plugged - Vestel low level: Checks whether usb plugged or not - None
    check_usb3_plugged - Vestel low level: Checks whether usb 3.0 (SS) plugged or not - None
    gpio_set - Vestel low level: ex:gpio_set port_no value ---->port_no: port number value: 0 means low,1 means high - str-int
    gpio_get - Vestel low level: ex:gpio_get port_no - str-int
    hdcp_update - to update hdcp.bin file - None
    i2c_write - Vestel low level: ex: 0x0C01-0xAA 0x0C:address 0x01:sub address 0xAA:data - str-int
    i2c_read - Vestel low level: ex: 0x0C01 0x0C:address 0x01:sub address - str-int
    iic_read - Vestel low level:iic_read x-y-z (x: 0 system iic bus, x: 1 tuner iic bus,y: slave addr,z: reg addr) - str-int
    iic_write - Vestel low level:iic_write x-y-z-t (x: 0 system iic bus, x: 1 tuner iic bus,y: slave addr,z: reg addr, t: value) - str-int
    dump_demod_reg - to dump all DVB-S demod tuner registers - None
    dump_demod - to dump all DVB-S demod registers - None
    dump_tuner - to dump all DVB-S tuner registers - None
    demod_write - Vestel low level: ex: 0x8000-0xAA 0x8000:register address 0xAA:data - str-int
    demod_read - Vestel low level: ex: 0x8000 0x8000:register address - str-int
    tasw - Vestel low level: ex: 17-AA 17:address in hex AA:data in hex - str-int
    tasr - Vestel low level: ex: 17 17:address in hex - str-int
    set_peq - Vestel low level: ex: 1-120-80-50-8 1:band 120:Gain 80:Foh Fol:50 Q:8 - str-int
    SET_ACTIVE_ANTENNA - Set active antenna level with the values(0:0V, 1:5V) - str-int
    set_dts - Vestel low level: ex: set-dts 5-8-3-2-8-6 5:InputGain,8:TruBassControl,3:SpeakerSize,2:SurroundLevel,8:DefinitionControl,6:FocusControl - str-int
    set_surround_xa - Vestel low level: ex: set_surround_xa val ---> val: 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 - int
    set_surround_xb - Vestel low level: ex: set_surround_xb val ---> val: 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 - int
    set_surround_xk - Vestel low level: ex: set_surround_xk val ---> val: 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 - int
    set_surround_ad - Vestel low level: ex: set_surround_ad val ---> val: 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 - int
    start_mfc_isp - Download bin file in USB to MFC IC - None
    FREEZE - freeze/unfreeze (FREEZE) - None
    ci_module_name - Vestel low level: dump CI module company name - None
    protection_state - Vestel low level: inform about whether TV is in protection state - None
    set_led - Vestel low level: set led on/off ex: set_led X-Y ---> X: led no (1 or 2) Y: state (1/0) - str-int
    Led - Turns the led on/off. Ex: Led X (X: state -> 0: OFF, 1:ON) - int
    set_ambient_led - Vestel low level: set ambient led R/G/B/time ex: set_ambient_led Xr-Yg-Zb-time ---> X: R PWM Y: G PWM Z: B PWM Time: Time to switch between PWM - str-int
    amp_mute - Vestel low level: set amplifier on/off ex: set_amp X ---> X:status (1/0)) - str-int
    audio_mute_status - Enable = 1, Disable = 0 - str-int
    dump_audio_info - Off = 0x0, Avsync = 0x1, Dec1 = 0x2,IoInfo = 0x4,All = 0x7 - str-int
    set_audio_delay - Set audio(speaker/scart/HP) delay in ms - str-int
    set_spdif_delay - Set audio spdif delay in ms - str-int
    set_video_delay - Set video delay in ms - str-int
    audio_trace - Enable Audio aurora trace - str-int
    check_tuner_i2c - Vestel low level: check whether Tuner i2c is ok - None
    check_edid - Vestel low level: check whether Edid is ok - None
    runOsdTest - RUN OSD TEST - None
    check_hdcp - Vestel low level: check whether HDCP is ok - None
    check_hdcp2 - Vestel low level: check whether HDCP 2.0 is ok - None
    check_ddr - Vestel low level: check whether DDR is ok - None
    get_bootlogo_name - Vestel low level: get bootlogo name - None
    get_mac_address - Vestel low level: get MAC address - None
    get_3d_format - get 3d format by the content - None
    set_mac_address - Vestel low level: Set mac address ex: eth0-00:09:df:86:34:25 - str-int
    check_hdmi_i2c - Vestel low level: check whether Tuner i2c is ok - None
    check_CIP - Vestel low level: check whether Credentials Keys is ok - None
    CIPLUSWR - get CI+ credentials are loaded or not ? - None
    GETRCFORMAT - Vestel low level: returns remote control protocol - None
    ping_for_eth_ready - Vestel low level: Send ping to test ethernet ic - None
    get_frc_status - Vestel low level: Checks the frc/mfc hw is ok or nok - None
    get_pixellence_status - Vestel low level: Checks the pixellence hw is ok or nok - None
    crash_the_system - Vestel low level: Crashes the system - None
    get_rf_remote_info - Vestel low level: Prints RF Remote Info - None
    set_rf_remote_paging_mode - Vestel low level: Sets RF Remote Paging Mode, 0->Not Activated, 1->Activated - str-int
    set_rf_remote_mac_address - Vestel low level: Sets RF Remote MAC Address, Format Like AA-11-BB-22-CC-33-DD-44 - str-int
    set_rf_remote_power_mode - Vestel low level: Sets RF Remote Power Mode, 0->TV Is On, 1->TV Is at Standby - str-int
    set_rf_remote_lqi - Vestel low level: Sets RF Remote Discovery LQI Threshold, Range 0-255 - str-int
    SETRC - Enables/disables remote control commands ex: SETRC ON, SETRC OFF - str-int
    get_luma_histogram - Vestel low level: prints luma histogram values - None
    get_chroma_histogram - Vestel low level: prints chroma histogram values with the given rectangle in pixels ex: get_chroma_histogram UP-BOTTOM-LEFT-RIGHT - str-int
    get_apl - Vestel low level: prints Average Picture Level - None
    outputBaundRate - Vestel low level:changes the teraterm baundrate value according to given baundrate value - str-int
    irkey - irkey KeyValue(HEX), => example: irkey 0x38 - str-int
    avd_debug - toggle AVD Noise Mag print - None
    3d - example: 3d fmt mode ---> fmt: vs / 2d / fp / tb / ss, mode: na / fl / fr - str-int
    GETMFCFW - Vestel low level: returns mfc fw version - None
    mfcset - example: mfcset 2f2e-1f - str-int
    mfcget - example: mfcget 2f2e - str-int
    mfcddc - example: mfcddc 00-01-02-03-04-05-06 - str-int
    mfcddc_rreg - example (read 0x2f2e): mfcddc_rreg 2f-2e - str-int
    montage_wreg - example (write 0x42-0x00): montage_wreg 42-00 - str-int
    montage_rreg - example (read 0x42): montage_rreg 42 - str-int
    screen_capture_usb - Capture specified surface as bmp to USB stick. 0 for UI, 1 for MHEG, 2 for Teletext, 8 for video - int
    LNB - Set LNB Voltage state ( 0:eek:ff, 1:V-13V,2:H-18V) (LNB n) - int - int
    22KHZ - Set 22KHz test state ( 0:eek:ff, 1:eek:n) (22KHZ n) - int - int
    FINALIZE_SETTINGS - Finalize production settings, disable uart input - None
    set_arc - Set arc state ( 0:eek:ff, 1:eek:n) - int
    cmi_sr - Set Panel SR mode ( 0:eek:ff, 1:Right:pR::Left:SR, 2:Right:SR::Left:pR, 3:Right:SR::Left:SRwithoutPQ, 4:Right:SRwithoutPQ::Left:SR) (panel_sr n) - int - int
    cmi_ld - Set Panel LD mode ( 0:eek:ff, 1:Top:Enable::Bottom:Disable, 2:Top:Disable::Bottom:Enable, 3:Right:Disable::Left:Enable, 4:Right:Enable::Left:Disable) (panel_ld n) - int - int
    cmi_edge_smooth - Level: (0~7) Enable: 1/Disable: 0 example (write level 5 -Enable): panel_edge_smooth 5-1 - str-int
    cmi_sr_switch - edge gain :(0~63) texture gain :(0~63) example (write edge gain 23 - texture gain 50): panel_sr_switch 23-50 - str-int
    cmi_input_format - set input format 0: CMI_FHD_100_120Hz 1:CMI_FHD_50_60Hz 2: CMI_QFHD_24_30Hz - int
    cmi_auto_blank - set auto blank 0: OFF 1:100ms 2: 200ms ... - int
    set_usb_enable - Vestel low level: Sets USB(s) Enable State, 0->Disable, 1->Enable - str-int
    check_sat_tuner - Vestel low level: check for sat tuner registers - None
    usb_copy_content - copies customer demo contents from USB to data partition - None
    dump_t_tuner - Vestel low level: dump terresterial tuner registers - None
    montage_tuner_wreg - example (write 0x42-0x00): montage_tuner_wreg 42-00 - str-int
    montage_tuner_rreg - example (read 0x42): montage_tuner_rreg 42 - str-int
    check_megadcr - returns if panel set as mega dcr at panel file - None
    set_inx_input_format - INX_INPUT_FORMAT INX_INPUT_MODE - str-int
    BLPWM_Fadj - enter frequence, 60Hz ex : BLPWM_Fadj 600 - str-int
    pwmshift - EX: pwmshift 10 - str-int
    u5_dimmingduty - EX: u5_dimmingduty (duty 0~100), u5_dimmingduty 100 - str-int
    u5_dimmingphase - EX: u5_dimmingphase (phase 0~36000), u5_dimmingphase 100 - str-int
    u5_3dsyncphase - EX: u5_3dsyncphase (phase 0~36000), u5_dimmingphase 100 - str-int
    set_test_mode - Enter test mode, 0-> Disable, 1-> For 4 chan LVDS panel, 2-> For 16 lane Vby1 panel - str-int
    memc - read:memc 0, write:memc 08-08-08(Leve-Judder-Blur) - str-int
    mfc_check - mfc_check 0 - str-int
    mfc_reset - force reset MFC - None
    replay_stream - change the playback stream - None
    loop_stream - change the playback stream - None
    ice_ci_reset_module - Vestel low level: Reset ci module - None
    ice_ci_read_interrupt_count - Vestel low level: Read interrupt count from demux - None
    ice_ci_set_bypass - Vestel low level: Sets ci module to pass through mode with parameter 0 or bypass mode with with parameter 1 - str-int
    ice_ci_set_tsdata_enable - Vestel low level: Enables or disables ci ts data - str-int
    ice_ci_get_bypass_mode - Vestel low level: Read ci module bypass mode - None
    ice_ci_get_emergency_status - Vestel low level: Read ci module emergency status - None
    ice_ci_get_module_initialise - Vestel low level: Initialize ci module - None
    ice_ci_get_module_present - Vestel low level: Checks the module plugged or not - None
    ci_power_off - Vestel low level: Power off ci module - None
    ci_power_on - Vestel low level: Power on ci module - None
    ci_info - Vestel low level: Dump current ci settings - None
    SETCHANNEL - set current channel (CHANNEL LIST VALUE) - int
    LISTPR - lists all programs in program list - None
    DELETECHANNEL - deletes the channel which has been entered - int
    ADD_FAVOR - Adds a channel to the favourite channel list - str-int
    ADD_ALLFAVOR - Adds whole channels to the favourite channel list - int
    DELETE_FAVOR - Delete a channel to the favourite channel list - str-int
    DELETE_ALLFAVOR - Deletes whole channels from the favourite channel list - None
    IS_FAVOR - Whether a channel is in the favourite channel list - int
    GETCHANNELLIST - Gets the result of channel table - None
    GETCHANNELLISTVIEW - Gets the result of channel list view table - None
    GETPROGRAM - get program - None
    SETURL - sets URL in the browser and returns web page load status via portal - str-int
    OPENURL - sets URL in the browser and returns web page load status directly - str-int
    GETURL - gets URL in the browser - None
    ACTIVECHANNELLIST - Gets active channel list - None
    GETUSERAGENT - Gets portal user agent - None
    SETUSERAGENT - Sets portal user agent (SETUSERAGENT ua_string) - str-int
    GETSPECIALPORTALAPPS - Gets portal specific portal applications' statuses - None
    GETINFO - called from client connected to TCP_TESTTOOL_SERVER_PORT - str-int
    ADD_TIMER - Add timer for a service - str-int
    DELETE_TIMER - delete timer - str-int
    VOLUME - set volume level (VOLUME n) - int
    GETVOLUME - get volume level - None
    STORESETTINGS - stores settings made for current channel number - None
    HEADPHONEVOLUME - Set headphone volume level (HEADPHONEVOLUME n) - int
    GETHEADPHONEVOLUME - Get headphone volume level - None
    GETMUTE - get mute value on/off - None
    SETMUTE - set the volume mute/unmute according to the mute on/off - None
    SETSOUNDMODE - Set sound mode (SETSOUNDMODE value) - int
    SETBALANCE - set balance value (SETBALANCE value) - int
    GETBALANCE - get balance value - None
    SETAVL - set AVL state (SETAVL n) - int
    GETAVL - get AVL state - None
    SETDYNAMICBASS - set dynamic bass value (SETDYNAMICBASS value) - int
    SETSURROUNDSOUND - set surround sound value (SETSURROUNDSOUND value) - int
    SETEQUSERFREQ - set equalizer user freq. value for any band (SETEQUSERFREQ band value) - str-int
    GETDIGITALOUT - get digital out - None
    SETSOUNDSYSTEM - set sound system (SETSOUNDSYSTEM string) - str-int
    SETEQMODE - set equalizer mode (SETEQMODE string) - str-int
    SETDIGITALOUT - set digital out (SETDIGITALOUT string) - str-int
    ENERGYSAVING - Set energy saving mode (values are off, minimum, medium, maximum, auto, screen_of (if enabled from profile)) (ENERGYSAVING string) - str-int
    POWERSAVE - Set power save mode (ON/OFF) (POWERSAVE string) - str-int
    SETBACKLIGHT - Set backlight level(values are on, off) (BACKLIGHT string) - str-int
    set_backlight - Set backlight level(values are on, off) (BACKLIGHT string) - str-int
    BACKLIGHTDIM - Set backlight dimming level(values are low, high, off (if enabled from profile)) (BACKLIGHT string) - str-int
    GETBACKLIGHTDIM - Get backlight dimming level - None
    GETBACKLIGHT - Get backlight level - None
    BLUEBACK - Set bluebackground state (BLUEBACK n) - int
    COLOURTEMP - set colour temperature (values are normal, warm, cool) (COLOURTEMP string) - str-int
    GETPICTUREMODE - get picture mode - None
    PICTUREMODE - select picture mode (1:dynamic 2:natural 3:cinema 4:game)(PICTUREMODE value) - int
    GETCONTRAST - get picture contrast value - None
    SETCONTRAST - set picture contrast value (SETCONTRAST value) - int
    GETBRIGHTNESS - get picture brightness value - None
    SETBRIGHTNESS - set picture brightness value (SETBRIGHTNESS value) - int
    GETSHARPNESS - get picture sharpness value - None
    SETSHARPNESS - set picture sharpness value (SETSHARPNESS value) - int
    GETCOLOUR - get picture colour value - None
    SETCOLOUR - set picture colour value (SETCOLOUR value) - int
    SETHUE - set picture hue value (SETHUE value) - int
    SETSKINTONE - set picture skin tone value (SETSKINTONE value) - int
    PICTUREZOOM - set picture zoom mode (values are auto, 16:9, subtitle, 14:9, 14:9zoom, 4:3, full(only for HD channels), panaromic, cinema) (PICTUREZOOM string) - str-int
    PICTURERESET - reset picture settings (PICTURERESET) - None
    DEFAULTZOOM - set default zoom mode (values are 4:3, 16:9, 14:9, panaromic) (DEFAULTZOOM string) - str-int
    SETSOURCE - Set source as enable/disable (SETSOURCE source value) - str-int
    GETSOURCE - Gets source - None
    SETWB - set white balance value (SETWB type value (type:redgain,greengain,bluegain,redoffset,greenoffset,blueoffset value:0-255)) - str-int
    INCWB - increment white balance value by n (INCWB type n (type:redgain,greengain,bluegain,redoffset,greenoffset,blueoffset n:0-255)) - str-int
    DECWB - decrement white balance value by n (DECWB type n (type:redgain,greengain,bluegain,redoffset,greenoffset,blueoffset n:0-255)) - str-int
    GETWB - get white balance value(GETWB type) (type:redgain,greengain,bluegain,redoffset,greenoffset,blueoffset) - str-int
    ADCCAL - start ADC auto calibration (ADCCAL source) (0:SCART-RGB, 1:YPbPr, 2:pC/VGA) - int
    DVRUSBSPEEDTEST - Test result of usb speed - None
    CHILDLOCK - set child lock mode - int
    HARDOFHEARING - Set hard of hearing state (HARDOFHEARING n) - int
    AUDIODESC - Set audio description state (AUDIODESC n) - int
    HPOS - Set horizontal position (HPOS n) - int
    VPOS - Set vertical position (VPOS n) - int
    DOTCLOCK - Set dot clock (DOTCLOCK n) - int
    PHASE - Set phase (PHASE n) - int
    AUTOPOS - Set auto position - None
    AUTOTVOFF - Set auto tv off level (AUTOTVOFF n) - int
    GETCOUNTRY - get country in channels state - None
    SETCOUNTRY - set country in no channels state (SETCOUNTRY string) - str-int
    SETCUSTOMERNAME - set customer name variable (SETCUSTOMERNAME string) - str-int
    GETCURRENTANALOGTVSYSTEM - get current analog tv system value - None
    USBOPERATIONS - Perform USB Operations - None
    SSI - signal strength indicator - None
    SQI - signal quality indicator - None
    SET3DMODE - set 3D mode values (values are off, auto, side by side, top bottom and game) - int
    SET2DONLY - set 2D values (values are left and right) - int
    SETVIRTUAL3D - set virtual 3d values (values are low, medium, high) - int
    ADDSERVICES - Adds hardcoded services to service list - None
    set_IP_address - Set static IP address of eth0 network interface. Usage: set_IP_address [IP ADDRESS] Example: set_IP_address - str-int
    get_IP_address - Get IP address of eth0 network interface. Usage: get_IP_address - None
    Wifi - checks if given SSID wifi is found or not and returns Pass or Fail. Works only in portal mode - str-int
    WifiConnectTest2 - checks if given SSID wifi is connectable or not and returns Pass or Fail - str-int
    WifiConnectTest5 - checks if given SSID wifi is connectable or not and returns Pass or Fail - str-int
    GETTIMESHIFTURL - get follow tv url - None
    STARTFOLLOWTV - start follow tv feature - None
    STOPFOLLOWTV - stop follow tv feature - None
    STARTFOLLOWTVRECLIB - start followtv for recording lib file with id - int
    SETPROXY - Sets proxy to be used (SETPROXY proxy_string as example.com:8080) - str-int
    CLEARPROXY - Clears proxy is used - None
    GETCURSORPOSITION - gets cursor position in the browser - None
    SETCURSORPOSITION - sets cursor position in the browser (SETCURSORPOSITION x y) - str-int
    PRINTALLPROFILE - Prints hw, sw and dev profile values - None
    print_profile - Prints hw, sw and dev profile values - None
    PRINTHWPROFILE - Prints hw profile values - None
    PRINTSWPROFILE - Prints sw profile values - None
    PRINTDEVPROFILE - Prints dev profile values - None
    CREATEAPP - creates a new application - str-int
    SETTKGS - enables TKGS search - int
    SETDIGITURK - enables Digiturk search - int
    SETDSMART - enables Dsmart search - int
    SETFRANSAT - enables Fransat search - int
    SETSPEAKERS - It sets the audio values as if headphone is connected to TV with the values(Headphone state 1-0) - str-int
    SETREMOVECHANNEL - deletes the channel which has been entered in hotelmode - int
    SETMAXVOLUME - set volume maximum level in Hotelmode (VOLUME n) - int
    SETSTARTCHANNEL - set startup channel which has been entered in hotelmode - int
    SETSTARTUPSOURCE - set startup source which has been entered in hotelmode(0-15) - int
    SETSTARTUPMODE - set startup mode which has been entered in hotelmode Last Status(Standbye, ON, LastStatus) - str-int
    SETSTARTVOLUME - set startup volume in Hotelmode (VOLUME n) - int
    GETSWVERSION - Returns the software version of tv, ex: GETSWVERSION - None
    get_SW_Device - Returns the software version of tv, ex: GETSWVERSION - None
    NVDS_SIZE - Memory usage of a client (or all clients) - str-int - str-int
    HEADPHONEHOTPLUG - Set headphone hotplug (values are ON, OFF) (HEADPHONEHOTPLUG string) - str-int
    BUILDINFO - Reports the build info - None
    ASPECT - Set aspect ratio: 0 for 4:3 TV, 1 for 16:9 - int
    ASSERT - Force ASSERT failure - stops lku & enters debugger - None
    AUDOFF - Select audio off - None
    AUDON - Select audio on - None
    MPEG2AUDPID - Set MPEG-2 audio pid (AUDPID n) - int
    AC3AUDPID - Set AC3 audio pid (AUDPID n) - int
    AACAUDPID - Set AAC audio pid (AUDPID n) - int
    CHANNEL - Tune to specified channel number (CHANNEL n) - int
    CONVERSION - Set AR conversion: 0 - CCO, 1 - letterbox - int
    DUMPSL - Dump internal service list - None
    FACTORY - Load factory settings to NVRAM - None
    KEY - Send key to Eclipse (KEY name) - str-int
    KSET - Set Key Sequence - str-int
    KPLAY - Play Key Sequence - None
    KSTOP - Stop Key Sequence - None
    PCRPID - Set PCR pid (PCRPID n) - int
    REPEATOFF - Set the remote control auto repeat off for ice key n (REPEATOFF n) - int
    REPEATON - Set the remote control auto repeat on for ice key n (REPEATON n) - int
    RESET - Reset the box - None
    RTCSET - Set/Query RTC clock - int
    RTCTEST - Perform RTC clock test - None
    STANDBY - Switch box to Standby mode - None
    SCAN - Do Scan - None
    SERVICE - Select Service (SERVICE lcn/handle) (use SERVICE 0 to deselect service) - int
    EVENTCACHE - Event cache enable/disable (EVENTCACHE 0=off 1=on) - int
    NOWFILTER - Set now&next event update filter (NOWFILTER lcn/handle) - int
    SHOWNOW - Show now&next info (SHOWNOW lcn/handle) - int
    SCHEDFILTER - Set schedule event update filter (SCHEDFILTER lcn/handle) - int
    SHOWSCHED - Show next hours scheduled event info (SHOWSCHED lcn/handle) - int
    SUBTOSDOFF - Subtitle OSD Off - None
    SUBTOSDON - Subtitle OSD On - None
    UNITTESTS - [q] Run unit tests (q => only run quick tests) - int
    VIDOFF - Select video off - None
    VIDON - Select video on - None
    MPEG2VIDPID - Set MPEG2 video pid (MPEG2VIDPID n) - int
    H264VIDPID - Set H264 video pid (H264VIDPID n) - int
    WATCHDOG - Watchdog control: 0-Enable 1-disable 2-stop kicking, N-kick every n seconds - int
    WSS - Set WSS Aspect Ratio Code: 0-7 - int
    STANDBY_ICE - Enter standby mode via direct ICE call - int
    UISUBTON - Start subtitle decoding and show subtitles - None
    UISUBTOFF - Stop subtitle decoding and hide subtitles - None
    SHOWSUBTSOURCE - Show the subtitle sources - None
    SETSUBTSOURCE - Set the subtitle source (SETSUBTSOURCE 0=none or index from SHOWSUBTSOURCE) - int
    UITTXTON - Start and show teletext - None
    UITTXTOFF - Stop and hideteletext - None
    PIP - PIP on/off (PIP 0=off 1=on) - int
    PIPSERVICE - Select PIP Service (PIPSERVICE lcn/handle) - int
    UPSEARCH - Search for software update (UPSEARCH tuner_id) - int
    UPSTOP - Stop the search for software update - None
    MHEG - Turn mheg on/off - int
    RESUP - Update resource manager - None
    IMGSHOW - Display an image file from disk (IMGSHOW /mnt/hd0a/image.jpg) - str-int
    IMGHIDE - Hide the displayed image file (see IMGSHOW) - None
    RDCONN - Connect a removable device read or read/write (RDCONN "r"/"rw") - str-int
    RDDIS - Disconnect a removable device (as set by RDCONN) - None
    TIME - Display the current date and time - None
    REMSET - Set a reminder (REMSET "service handle/lcn, date(DD/MM/YYYY), time(HH:MM), duration(minutes)" - str-int
    DUMPREMINFO - Dump reminder info - None
    DELREMINDERS - Delete all reminders in the system - None
    TENSECTRACE - Toggle 10-second trace of local time - None
    NETWRKCHGTIMES - Select 90 second - 2 day warning, 30 second 1 hour warning - str-int
    SMP - Select MHEG profile - int
    GMP - Get MHEG profile - None
    GetUEP - Get Universal Engine Profile - None
    GetWhoAmI - Get Who Am I String - None
    CARPODWN1 - Start the web search for forced software update and verify in RAM if exists - None
    CARPODWN2 - Start the web search for forced software update and burn flash if exists - None
    CARPOSTOP - Stop the web search for software update - None
    DRMREGISTRATIONCODE - Gets DRM registration code - None
    DRMDEACTIVATIONCODE - Gets DRM deactivation code - None
    USBSWUPDATE - Updates software from usb and re-boots - None
    signal_monitor - Enables/Disables signal monitoring utility - str-int
    test_speed - Test CPU speed. [d] for Dhrystone, [w] for Whetstone, [o] for Opera - str-int
    rm_bt_dev - Remove Bluetooth device. Parameter is index in BT paired devices database - int
    ISPRPROTECTED - Checks whether playing video is protected by PlayReady - None
    CA - Conditional access <command> <parameter> - str-int
    rt_rsn - Cabot Internal: Reset sequence number - int
    rt_gcnn - Cabot Internal: Get current network name - None
    rt_gsp - Cabot Internal: Get current service provider - None
    rt_gsn - Cabot Internal: Get current service name - None
    rt_gpe - Cabot Internal: Get present event - None
    rt_gfe - Cabot Internal: Get following event - None
    rt_gcsse - Cabot Internal: Get current service schedule events - str-int
    rt_gnlc - Cabot Internal: Get number of logical channels - None
    rt_gsrvt - Cabot Internal: Get service type - None
    rt_gcnlan - Cabot Internal: Get channel list names and numbers - None
    rt_grt - Cabot Internal: Get receiver time - None
    rt_gscrmi - Cabot Internal: Get scrambled indicator - None
    rt_geei - Cabot Internal: Get extended event information - None
    rt_gaudpid - Cabot Internal: Get audio pid - None
    rt_gaud2pid - Cabot Internal: Get secondary audio pid - None
    rt_gvidpid - Cabot Internal: Get video pid - None
    rt_gsubpid - Cabot Internal: Get subtitle pid - None
    rt_gdspid - Cabot Internal: Get data service pid - None
    rt_gss - Cabot Internal: Get service status - None
    rt_gtlcs - Cabot Internal: Get time of last channel scan - None
    FTP2USB - Get Update files from ftp to usb - str-int
    CLEANUSB - Remove files in usb - str-int
    FTP2USBCONFIG - Get update configuration files from ftp to usb - str-int
    PATTERN - Set TV screen to selected pattern (values are WHITE, RED, GREEN, BLUE, MAGENTA, CYAN, YELLOW) (PATTERN string) - str-int
    MENUTIMEOUT - Set menu time out mode (MENUTIMEOUT n) - int
    GETSTANDBY - get standby on/off - None
    STARTFTI - start First Time Installation - None
    BROADCAST - set broadcast type - int
    ACTIVECHLIST - show channel list - int
    MAINMENUITEM - select main menu item, valid values are : picture, sound, settings, installation, channellist, mediabrowser - str-int
    MP3PLAY - Play MP3 audio file (MP3PLAY /mnt/hd0a/audio.mp3) - str-int
    MP3STOP - Stop MP3 audio file (MP3STOP) - None
    GOFIRSTITEM - Goes to first item of a cyclic SVG item such as selection box. - None
    GOFIRSTITEMGROUP - Goes to first item of a cyclic SVG item such as menu, list box etc. - None
    clearOSD - clears OSDs - None
    SETSTOREMODE - set store/home mode - int
    STARTAPS - start auto search (full :both digital&analog, analog: only analog, digital: only digital search) (STARTAPS string) - str-int
    CANCELAPS - cancel auto search if there is any started auto search (CANCELAPS) - None
    STARTANALOGFREQMANUELSEARCH - start analog manual search with frequency parameters soundsystem:string frequency:int(KHz value) (STARTANALOGFREQMANUELSEARCH soundsystem frequency) - str-int
    TUNEDVBS - start sat manual search with parameters (TUNEDVBS frequencykhz-polarisation-symbolrate-antennatype) - str-int
    STARTANALOGCHANNELMANUELSEARCH - start analog manual search with channel parameters bandname:string channelnum:int. !!!Please set first sound system with SETSOUNDSYSTEM function. (STARTANALOGCHANNELMANUELSEARCH <bandname> <channelnum>) - str-int
    INSTALLANALOGCHANNEL - start analog manual search with only frequency parameters frequency:int(Khz value) (INSTALLANALOGCHANNEL frequency) -int - int
    GETHOTELMODE - Get hotel mode - None
    SHOWBUILDOPTIONS - Show build options - None
    SET_STBY_SEARCH_TIME - Set standby serach time interval in minutes - int
    CLEARCHLIST - clear all the channels - None
    CHANGELNG - change active language - str-int
    READMODEPIPPAP_ONOFF - returns the PIP and PAP values - None
    ACTIVEMODEPIPPAP_ONOFF - changes values of the PIP and PAP (0:eek:ff, 1:pip small, 2:pip big, 3:pap normal, 4:pap long) - int
    OSD_PRINT - Prints an osd in x-y position with the string entered in it (OSD_PRINT X-Y-string) - str-int
    SELECTSOURCE - select source (0=TV, other source indexes(some of them are not enabled)) (SELECTSOURCE n) - int
    ping_for_eth_ready - Vestel low level: Test For ethernet control - None
    dlna - dlna prompt - str-int
  4. Jensy

    Jensy Junior Member

    Registriert seit:
    17. Oktober 2015
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Leider beantwortet das keine meiner Fragen vom Post vorher.

    Ich habe einen Web Server auf dem TV (mb70) laufen. Da kann ich den TV über dlan umschalten, Nachrichten auf den TV schicken usw.

    Desweiteren habe ich mal mit dlan/dmr rumgespielt. So lässt sich das TV programm vom TV ins netzwer streamen.

    Gruß Jens
  5. rainzor

    rainzor Junior Member

    Registriert seit:
    13. Januar 2013
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Hallo Jensy,

    wenn das alles mõglich ist, dann stell doch mal eine Schritt für Schritt-Anleitung hier ein.
    Gerade das Streamen ins Netzwerk hört sich interessant an. Aber auch Nachrichten auf den TV zu senden kann teilweise recht nützlich sein.

  6. Jensy

    Jensy Junior Member

    Registriert seit:
    17. Oktober 2015
    Punkte für Erfolge:

    eine Anleitung kann ich nur für das mb70 board erstellen.
    Aber erst einmal ist Telnet zwingend erforderlich!!!!!

    1. Dlan/Dmr in der sw-Profile freischalten.

    2. Über Telnet die CPU anzeigen lassen : cat /proc/cpuinfo

    3. In meinem TV ist ein mips CPU verbaut also nach einem mips linux suchen welches sich über USB nativ booten lässt.

    4. Usb stick erstellen ab damit in den TV und über Telnet starten.

    5. Einen ip tv server auf dem linux stick installieren. Z.B: Tvheadend › Wiki › ubuntuusers.de

    6. Der server lässt sich dann über einen Browser konfigurieren.

    7. Streamen

    Beim mb70 Board lässt sich der start des IP TV Servers durch in .sh script automatisieren. So das man über einen PC im Netzwerk direkt nach dem Einschalten des TV auf den server zugriff hat. Ob das beim mb9xxx board geht kann ich nicht sagen.

    Meine gelesen zu haben das wenn man Dateienbei diesen Boards fest einfügt startet der TV nicht mehr Prüfsumme signatur ????

    Das selbe wäre es dann mit dem web Server????? Diesen habe ich aus einer Vestek Hotel TV firmware und einfach in meinen mb70 eingefügt.

    Dateien stelle ich gerne zur verfügung auch eine Anleitung mit allen Befehlen. Da dieses aber recht umfangreich ist sollte schon intresse bestehen

    Gruß Jens
  7. rainzor

    rainzor Junior Member

    Registriert seit:
    13. Januar 2013
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Hallo Jensy,

    Vielen Dank für deine Anleitung. Aber da ich in Linux absolut nicht fit bin, übersteigt das Ganze wohl meine Möglichkeiten.

  8. Jensy

    Jensy Junior Member

    Registriert seit:
    17. Oktober 2015
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Hallo Rainer,

    wenn du Telnet zugriff hast könnte ich dir ein komplettes packet schnüren dann braucht man nur ein paar befehle aus der cmd Konsole (windows)

    Wichtig ist halt nur Telnet um erst mal zu wissen was für eine Hardware in deinem TV verbaut ist.
  9. rainzor

    rainzor Junior Member

    Registriert seit:
    13. Januar 2013
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Hallo Jensy,

    Vielen Dank für dein Angebot.
    Ich hab' dir eine PN geschickt.

  10. TommyData

    TommyData Junior Member

    Registriert seit:
    4. Juni 2016
    Punkte für Erfolge:
    Kurze Frage an alle: gibt es bei euch eine mbXX_devprofile.bin ?

    Ich beschäftige mich grad mit der app.elf im Disassembler... Laut dem was ich da sehe sollte/könnte es dieses File geben und es enthält
    einige Einstellmöglichkeiten bezüglich der timeouts und so weiter.

    Bei meinem mb97 Board existiert es aber nicht...